- Grieving of the Holy Spirit
- Being given over to one's own
- Sin against the Holy Spirit

A. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).
The Holy Spirit seals us and so He is near, but so many people play with their imaginary childish excitements rather with the Holy Spirit and so he is grieved. I know the Holy Spirit for He writes these words right now. Others only aspire to know Him the way I do, but all I can do is teach them first. If my teaching is rejected and stubbornly replaced with their own, then one day such will be given over to their own.
B. I've been in places where the Holy Spirit intensely cried within me and I was in pain. He said, “take me out of here. Don't bring me here anymore.” I know what it means to grieve and even torment the Holy Spirit. Actually, the Holy Spirit did not allow me to return to those places where God performed many miracles. I always wondered about it. Today I fully understand.
C. When people discover the supernatural they want to somehow monopolize it. The Holy Spirit makes me resist these places, and resist those people that hinder His work.
[Acts 16:6] (…) they were trying to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them…