Since we were allowed to eat of the Tree of Knowledge we first learned what is evil, and yet the way of pain remained strangely attractive to us.
The mystery of evil is no mystery at all for it is indeed a choice and choice can only be made when opposites are available. Anything painful is evil and anything that heals is good. Once one is healed of evil one becomes good, there is no pain and no struggle but peace and rest and that's again very good.
[Genesis 1:31] God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
So what happened? Why did we fall in love with evil and why can't we let go of it? Have we gotten sick and are unwilling to part with it until the dying day?
People are careful when it comes to something good or even too good for words, but too readily and ignorantly so lap up evil. No surprise that so many get indigestion and are unwell.
The mystery of evil is no mystery at all for it is indeed a choice and choice can only be made when opposites are available. Anything painful is evil and anything that heals is good. Once one is healed of evil one becomes good, there is no pain and no struggle but peace and rest and that's again very good.
[Genesis 1:31] God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
So what happened? Why did we fall in love with evil and why can't we let go of it? Have we gotten sick and are unwilling to part with it until the dying day?
People are careful when it comes to something good or even too good for words, but too readily and ignorantly so lap up evil. No surprise that so many get indigestion and are unwell.